Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Google Page Rank Problems

Seen changes, whether good or bad, in your Google page rank lately? You shouldn’t be surprised since Google since according to Matt Cutts there was a PR update that took place end of last month. If your site was adversely affected by the PR update my advise is to NOT sweat it because page rank alone does not determine how well you do in Google’s SERPs.

Take Phoenixrealm, we do not have a really great PR right now (were down to just 3) but if searching for us in Google using the very competitive term SEO BLOG I’m very happy to see that we still have the number 5 spot. So you see page rank is not everything.

There are those who will find a lowered page rank a real problem though but only because:

A) their clients (or they themselves) still subscribe to the myth that page rank is everything, or
B)  they have blogs that rely on sponsored posts (Pay Per Post, etc.) for revenue.

If you fall under category A then it is time to realise and make your client realise that the green pixels showing the site’s page rank doesn’t count as much as the other factors in order to place well in Google’s SERPs. To help reinforce this belief all you need to do is look for websites that do not have high PRs but that do well even for competitive terms.

If you fall under category B then you do have a bigger problem since in many cases opportunities for sponsored posts are doled out based on PR. What you can do to help you is focus more effort on rebuilding your PR by doing link building and looking at your site’s link architecture. On the other hand you could also of course also find other ways to increase your revenue. There are plenty of ways to do this online and if your site/blog has been around for some time now and you get a good amount of traffic then do look into other options.

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